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Wholeness complete

Wholeness Complete

In Wholeness Complete more lessons from a Course in Miracles are interpreted.
Wholeness complete continues where Wholeness left off.
It is inspired by the ideas from lesson 134 in A Course in Miracles up to and including the last lesson.
The search is even deeper. It guides us to the essence of our being.
It is a process of recognizing and allowing contradictions to be present at the same time, moving towards a feeling of Unity.
The road, the search, and the writing all are part of the same process.
In 171 ideas and applications Wholeness complete provides an atmosphere of a continuous unfolding of reality, where new aspects are described, with fresh views.

Wholeness complete can be ordered at
ISBN: 9789059740860
Illustrations by Carol Grigg, an American painter.
All proceeds of Wholeness complete will be donated to SOS Children's Villages.

Example of a page from the book:

At an increasingly deep level
I begin to understand
that obstacles
Like yesterday,
the uneasy feeling
reminded me
of my LIFE.
Everything is part of
the road.
By reminding myself of my LIFE
I can transmit life in turn.
Consequently, I interweave
my life

On the page '171 ideas' you can apply the ideas in Wholeness to a question regarding your life.