Wisdom Woman, 2024
Acrylics on linen, 16 x 24 inches
The vastness draws us inti Herslef
Abstract, 2024
Acrylic with texture on linen, 24 x 36 inches
100 euro
Looking for shells, 2024
Watercolor, 7,2 x 4,8 inches
20 euro
Ocean girl, 2024
Watercolor, 8 x 12 inches
30 euro
Entering a new portal, 2024
Acrylic and oil paint on paper, 20 x 28 inches
50 euro
Belonging to the web of life, 2024
Acrylics and oil paint on paper, 20 x 28 inches
50 euro
I don't know either, 2024
Acrylics and oil paint on paper, 20 x 28 inches
50 euros
Breaking free, 2024
Ink and acrylics on paper, 20 x 28 inches
50 euros
Feeling the love, 2024
Acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 12 x 16 inches
50 euros
Basking in the moonlight, 2024
Oil painting on canvas, 12 x 16 inches
100 euros
Julia, 2024
Oil painting on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
75 euro
Lisa, 2023
Oilpainting on canvas, 16 x 20 inches
75 euro
Wisdom, 2023
Acriylics and oil paint on li8nen, 16 x 24 inches
400 euro
We are guided, 2023
Acrylics on linen, 36 x 36 inches
600 euro
Integreren, 2023
Acryl op doek, 60 x 120 cm
400 euro
Bridging, 2023
Acrilics on linen, 16 x 24 inches
100 euro
Song to the Mother Spirit, 2021
Watercolor on watercolor paper, 9 x 7 inches
20 euro
Sitting on the beach, 2021
Acrilics on linen, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
400 euro
On a sunny day, 2021
Acrilics on linen, 20 x 28 x 1,5 inch
400 euro
Dancing her sensual nature, 2021
Acrilics on linen, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inch
800 euro
Sisterhood, 2021
Acrilics on watercolor paper, 20 x 26 inches
Bold strokes, 2020
Acrilics on linen, 16 x 20 x 1,5 inches
50 euro
Crackles, 2020
Acrilics on linen, 12 x 16 inches
100 euro
Boldness, 2020
Acrilicas on watercolorpaper, 15 x 18 inches
35 euro
Holding without holding, 2020
Acrilics on linen, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
500 euro
Joyous strength, 2020
Acrylics on linen, 36 x 36 x 1,5inches
Free, 2020
Acrilic on linnen, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
300 euro
The great unknown, 2020
Acrilics on linen, 20x28x1,5 inches
1o0 euro
Souvereign, 2020
Acrilics on linen, gallery framed, 24 x 36 ix 1,5 nches
300 euro
Peaceful and joyous, 2020
Acrylics on linen, 36 x 36 x 1,5 inches
Moon priestess, 2019
Acrilics on canvas, 36 x 36 x 1,5 inches
600 euro
She, 2023
Printed on aluminium or perspex, 16 x 24 inches
150 euro
She reminds us of receiving what's good
Calm presence, 2019
Acrilics on canvas, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
Seh teaches me the beauty of imperfección and that less is more.
500 euro
Fierce grace, 2019
Acrilics on canvas, 36 x 36 x 1,5 inches
400 euro
Practise in loosening up brush strokes, 2019
Acrilics on watercolour papaer, 12 x 18 inches
50 euro
Silent knowing, 2019
Acrilics on canvas, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
600 euro
Victory, 2019
Acrilics on canvas, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
This painting is about trusting feminine power
This painting is sold
Courage, 2019
Acrilics on watercolourpaper, 12 x 16 inches
60 euro
Translucent presence, 2018
Acrilic on canvas, 24 x 36 x 1,5 inches
400 euro
Life and painting lead me in the direction of leaving behind old ways of being, and follow a deeper chord of my life instead, moving forward beyond the mind.
She lives, 2017
Acrilic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
500 euro
Quiet presence, 2017
Acriliic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
1200 euro
I notice that painting is a process of ever deeper listening to my inner self and sensing her.
My inner self is delighted.
Gentle presence, 2016
Acryl on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
500 euro
At the end of the painting process it is customary to listen to what the painting has to say.
She tells me to be totally myself and to trust my feeling.
To be gentle for myself, my harshness is no longer needed.
I also feel the importance for the life of a woman to be aware of her womb, so that the feminine can thrive and the centuries-old suppression by patriarchal influence can be released.
The body is a sacred instrument to embody the soul.
Her name is "Gentle presence".
Tending the earth, 2016
Acrilic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
1000 euro
Her message has to do with seeing the beauty of nature, in order for the earth to restore.
Open your ears to hear and your eyes to see.
Beauty is all around us.
She will be heard, 2016
Acrilic on linen, 28 x 20 inches
Framed, 400 euro
I participated in a painting workshop that was given in Copenhagen by Shiloh McCloud and Jonathan Lewis.
The theme of the workshop was quantum physics and art.
We started with painting the geometric figure of the fibonacci spiral.
The fibonacci spiral is the foundation of all of life.
The name of the painting was initially "Speaker of truth".
Now that I want to show the image, I changed her name into "She will be heard".
I wonder who says that she will be heard, and come to the conclusion that it's about the sacred feminine in all of us.
She whispers gently in our ears and she rebels when we don’t treat her well.
We also see this in society. Old structures do not satisfy our needs any longer and a feminine primal power revolts against the established order.
We need trust in order to dare to follow this voice.
That is probably why she says She will be heard.
After we finish painting we usually sit down in front of her and listen to what she has to say.
This is what I heard:
Speak your truth, even when you find it difficult.
My love is with you at all times.
Follow your truth,
Be open to Her.
She is the greatest you can offer the world.
We are in this together for a greater cause.
Trust who you are at the deepest, at the highest.
Stand for who you are,
You are wisdom.
I arise from the sea, from the stars.
I am everywhere you look.
My name is :”Speaker of truth”.
Mother of the universe, 2016
Acrilici on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
1200 euro
She helps us to align with who we are at the deepest and greatest level.
It was a great joy to work with her and to hear her messages once in a while by just sitting down and listening.
I could have gone on for days bringing in more detail.
We are co-creators.
Freedom, 2015
Acrrilic on canvas, 16 x 24 x 1,5 inches
400 euro
I made this painting when I taught the 13 step method to an experienced painter.
I was insecure when I started teaching.
Unsure about whether I would be too spiritual for her and whether I was capable of teaching the painting method.
The name of the course was: “Embracing the Sacred Feminine”.
To help me to overcome my feelings of insecurity I chose as an intention for the painting: “the Freedom to be me”.
I started painting the background rather wildly, with primary colors.
Apparently I associated freedom with wildness.
In the end the painting process showed me that I just may be my quiet self.
That is enough for teaching.
My student was totally surprised by the painting that appeared on her canvas.
A magical process unfolds when we embrace the Sacred Feminine.
Fierce protectress, 2014
Acrilic on canvas, 24 x 48 x 1,5 inches
600 euro
I hear her say:
You may thrive.
You are integrating so many parts of yourself, your intuition, your intimacy with All.
Do not shy away, be Fierce like me.
I shall lend you a hand towards fierceness.
Make my painting even more abundant with white juicy stripes.
The bondage you have lived in shall disappear.
Your horizon is bright and deep like the ocean.
Lady in blue, 2014
Acrilic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
1000 euro
She who goes with the wind, 2014
Acrylic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
1200 euro
My intention for this painting was abundance, and I painted a very sober being instead.
She tells me:
I love the wind around my face, the Northern wind.
I am a nomad and live a simple life with the sun and the wind and the stars at night.
I am the Goddess of sobriety, with just a few animals and a piece of land where I grow my vegetables.
Soberness is my way of living. I am deeply hidden in you.
I am a portal for you to move passed your thinking mind.
I may bring you in touch with a deeper layer in yourself you have yet to discover.
Slow down and you will find heaven.
Just receive and let your mind chatter calm down.
I want to hold your hand on your journey through life.
Be present to what Is.
You are loved.
I will guide you from beyond the beyond.
I am your overall capacity to shine your light on what you do.
Stay in the now.
Listen to the song in your heart. She will guide you.
Don’t try to understand with your mind.
You know that.
Let your light shine at all times.
I precede what can be said in words.
Move on with your quest and you will find the abundance and joy that you want to teach.
The deep voice within, 2014
Acrylic on canvas, 32 x 48 x 1,5 inches
800 euros
This is the first big painting I made.
The intention was peace.
She told me:
Nature is here
My nature, your nature, the bird’s nature
The light of the sun
The smell of rose petals.
Paint from your deepest instincts.
Be grounded in delight.
Feel free in your painting and let that show in your work.
Wild savage s stirring.
I want to ground in juicy delight.
Show the wild in your glazing.
Peace is who you are.
Return to yourself, to your deepest knowing.
Let all of the overwhelm shake away.
You need your sanity.
Sanity holds the rational and the irrational together.
The roundness of the moon is the benevolence, like the round and soft baby you once were
I live, surrounded by the skies, the stars, the moon.
Surrounded by peace and beauty I thrive.
I live in all the beings of light who have not forsaken me.
The crystalline structure of your being holds me.
All of us are surrounded by the stars, but not all of us notice.
I like to bring star essence on earth.
The clouds veil my true outfit.
I am dressed with the stars, the sun, the moon.
Listen to the voice within.
She will tell you how to proceed.