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Joos's journal


Loving myself

Loving myself, my own life, is a lesson I learn, every time anew.
The lesson comes back in all kinds of new forms.
Especially when I feel rejected, abandoned by someone else.

I send love to the deeper regions of my body.
My creativity lives there, new ideas to continue with my life.
Without feeling overwhelmed by the behavior of someone else.
That's where space for myself is important, space for doing what I am here for.
It's okay if I forget from time to time.
Because that's also part of my life.



Abstract paintiing

Sometimes I feel the need for renewal of my style of painting.
This painting is inspired by a warmup lesson for exploring cubism.
I enjoyed giving a color to the many facets of her body.



Love envelops me like a protective cloak

Love envelops me like a protective cloak.
This is idea 87 from my book Wholeness Complete.
It dawns on me ever more that I can be completely how I am in all my humanity.
Sad, angry, jealous, indignant, critical, insecure, timid, afraid to fail in the eyes of the people around me because I think I'm not living up to their expectations…
Everything is good.
The conviction that I should be different from the way I feel is so deeply imprinted.
I let today's idea sink in deeply and feel relieved.




In my deepest being, I feel a desire to be intimate with someone.
It's a great power that manifests itself in negative thoughts when I don't listen to her.
She is different from mourning the death of my dear husband.
It is a desire to be close to you, to enjoy your company, to travel through life together.
Should I dismiss this desire as dependence, attachment?
No, I have the feeling that the fulfillment of this desire is the most beautiful occurrence that could happen to me.
I cherish this great power...



Wholeness Complete

Because there is no paper version of my book Wholeness Complete in Spanish, I bought it through
Every day I follow an idea. Because, even though I wrote the book myself, the lessons are forever.
The Spanish language opens up my romantic side. I enjoy the Spanish text and the words penetrate even deeper into me.
I am now at idea 5: I live in a world of duality. Each pole has its opposite. I am both one pole and the other.
Yes, we are whole…



Out of this situation only good will come

While reading the book 'Life loves you' by Louise Hay and Robert Bolden, I am aware how many times I unconsciously have had negative thoughts and fears about the slow recovery after my hip surgery.
That's why I decide to change my 'mantra' into a positive thought: Out of this situation only good will come.
I let this text penetrate deep into me.
So that’s having trust.
The new point of view makes me happy.



Water guardian

Finally I made a big painting again.
I had decorated her headdress with metallic gold paper but could not continue painting until I had bought gold leaf to adorn her. She truly wanted gold. Very special.
Her message was: Have trust. You are in good hands.

Last night I contemplated these words before I fell asleep.



Song to the Mother Spirit


Finally I feel inspired to paint again.
And also to write.
The image is a watercolor, following an illustration by Carol Grigg from my book 'Wholeness'. She called her painting 'Song to the Mother Spirit'.
Maybe we need the 'Mother Spirit' very much on earth.
I wish all my readers a happy end of the year and more joy and freedom for 2022.



Peace and surrender

Yesterday a loyal visitor of my website came to visit to buy a painting.
He asked me, "Why don't you write? You last wrote in the diary in September."
I replied that there is not much to write, because I still have pain in my back after my hip surgery, so I take it easy.
His response was, "We'd like to know how you're doing."
Apparently, physical discomfort is also news to write about.
Even though I can't stand long enough to paint and I prefer to sit on the couch.

My spirit still feels young and is always inspired to learn something new.
So yes, peace and surrender are here.
And that feels like a great asset in this world that seems to be spinning faster and faster.



When I am in Spain

When I am in Spain often an emotional event happens that unbalances me.
It is as if the forces there are greater than when I am in the Netherlands.
My reaction then is to start worrying about things that I can't do much about and therefore my thinking starts working overtime.
This will be the case until I remember the last sentence from my book Wholeness Complete. 
It says: What is your deepest wish?
The answer to this inquiry helps me to remember how I want to be.
By making an intention out of this, the focus and balance come back into my life and I stand stronger in my own shoes then.