While reading the book 'Life loves you' by Louise Hay and Robert Bolden, I am aware how many times I unconsciously have had negative thoughts and fears about the slow recovery after my hip surgery.
That's why I decide to change my 'mantra' into a positive thought: Out of this situation only good will come.
I let this text penetrate deep into me.
So that’s having trust.
The new point of view makes me happy.
Finally I made a big painting again.
I had decorated her headdress with metallic gold paper but could not continue painting until I had bought gold leaf to adorn her. She truly wanted gold. Very special.
Her message was: Have trust. You are in good hands.
Last night I contemplated these words before I fell asleep.
Finally I feel inspired to paint again.
And also to write.
The image is a watercolor, following an illustration by Carol Grigg from my book 'Wholeness'. She called her painting 'Song to the Mother Spirit'.
Maybe we need the 'Mother Spirit' very much on earth.
I wish all my readers a happy end of the year and more joy and freedom for 2022.
Yesterday a loyal visitor of my website came to visit to buy a painting.
He asked me, "Why don't you write? You last wrote in the diary in September."
I replied that there is not much to write, because I still have pain in my back after my hip surgery, so I take it easy.
His response was, "We'd like to know how you're doing."
Apparently, physical discomfort is also news to write about.
Even though I can't stand long enough to paint and I prefer to sit on the couch.
My spirit still feels young and is always inspired to learn something new.
So yes, peace and surrender are here.
And that feels like a great asset in this world that seems to be spinning faster and faster.
When I am in Spain often an emotional event happens that unbalances me.
It is as if the forces there are greater than when I am in the Netherlands.
My reaction then is to start worrying about things that I can't do much about and therefore my thinking starts working overtime.
This will be the case until I remember the last sentence from my book Wholeness Complete.
It says: What is your deepest wish?
The answer to this inquiry helps me to remember how I want to be.
By making an intention out of this, the focus and balance come back into my life and I stand stronger in my own shoes then.
Today I brought this painting to her new owner.
She has been given a beautiful place, where she comes into her own.
The gold of the painting reflects the sunlight.
I am very happy when someone appreciates my work.
I am aware that the hip surgery was burdensome for my nervous system.
It felt like my life was stagnating a bit and I had lost my pleasure in painting.
Yet I am ready to rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. My creative self may live again.
Tomorrow I will start painting and thus participate in life with more joy.
So I will not only do exercises to strengthen my leg muscles, but also spend time expressing my creative self.
I am curious.
After my hip operation I spent a lot of time on the couch and I enjoyed it.
Yet I know that it is time to find my way out of this by practicing walking and strengthening my legs.
I also know that my deeper Self asks me to find a way to start writing and painting again.
Evidently ‘just being’ is not enough anymore. New life is still waiting for me.
Maybe all I need to do is to start.
The road will show herself then.
In my book ‘Wholeness Complete’ I write: May my search for Light be life enhancing.
Apparently I meant something else than just quietly enjoying old age.
I am curious.
For more than three weeks, my life has been limited to lying on the couch almost all day.
Because of a small complication during hip surgery I have to put as little weight as possible on one leg for six weeks.
So I am resting a lot.
The pause button that slows down my life is sometimes confronting, because I miss painting, doing sports, being outside.
I suddenly feel 20 years older.
This morning I decided that I can change something about this negative undertone of my life.
I asked myself what future I want to create. After all, we are co-creators.
From my heart, there was an immediate answer that I can use.
By focusing on my heartfelt intention I can stop getting stuck in my dissatisfaction with the situation.
I feel that it's beneficial.
It feels like life invites me to find an ever calmer rhythm, beyond words, beyond earlier solutions.
My inner child seems to know how to do this. She is content with whatever circumstances.
It is too cold and snowy to go outside and the lockdown seriously limits social gatherings.
On the other hand I feel a deep yearning for intimacy, for traveling to a sunnier climate.
I let it all be.