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Joos's journal



Sometimes I enquire about a problem and ask the big unknown for an answer.
My question was: how can I be aligned with a world that is derailed?
The inner knowing came soon:
You can only be in line with yourself, do not to hold on to the world, because then you yourself will be torn apart.
Perceive, there is more good than you know, when you are present here and now.
Oh yes, I feel it, inside ourselves lives a great power.




This is a first attempt at applying a new method: “The Art of Allowing”, with Flora Aube.
The image that arose on the canvas was full of bird-energy and it was not easy to make a coherent painting out of it, without being overwhelmed by the multitude of images.
Today, after I set my inner critic aside I recognize the energy of the girl.
It's a picture that I remember from one of the books by Amorah Quan Yin.
I had forgotten that I have this book in my bookcase.
Apparently, painting can help us to receive and to pass on information.



Consciousness of love

- I am not my reaction tot he world
- My name is known in heaven
- Love is the way I walk in gratitude
- In the silence of my being the Source is near
- Obstacles are beacons to show me the way
- We are co-creators
- May my search for Light be life-enhancing
- I connect myself with the highest Force
- Here I stand
- The desire of the supreme Will is my remembrance of the love and the innocence of my essence
These are the titles of the chapters of the book Wholeness Complete, written by me in 2005
How true is the text still for me, but it takes so long to experience this higher knowing as a human being.
I need to encounter all that stands in the way of living this consciousness.
It feels like a coat that is still too big for me, but I enjoy slowly growing into the mantle.
The exquisiteness of content of the book is still here, like a fragrance that shows me the direction towards which I want to mature.
My body and my mind need time to get used to experiencing the consciousness of the presence of love.



Bella Mama

Shiloh had a project for painting “la Bella Mama”.
We would make an icon for ourselves that would give us a feeling of being nourished.
I was surprised that I portrayed a woman whose attention is turned inwards.
Yet the image gives me what I need most: inner peace, regardless the circumstances.




Shiloh, my painting teacher, always invites us to take many detours before we complete a work of art.
Like today: The instruction was to bring a colour on the canvas for each of the elements.
We started with the element earth.
Usually I assiociate earth with earth colours and I chose magenta, a deep red colour.
Suddenly I realize how extraordinary it is that we are alive on earth.
There are shadows here, light and dark, and we live here.
We are here, as living miracles, between the birds and the trees and the sun and the moon and the stars.
It makes me so happy…




What happens when we accept our problems and see the difficulties we experience in our lives as our greatest teachers?
I feel that these statements are true and I also know so well my reluctance to write about this, for fear that I would deny the suffering of people.
On the contrary.
By allowing the feeling of suffering in my life I needed to look for ways to return to balance and to search deeper than I did before.
Where does this lead to?
By ever again returning to simply being present, I can see the challenges as an encouragement to live more and more in the presence of a silent force that leads us.
This painting is far from finished.




This is the underlayer for a new painting.
Shiloh will take two years for the instructions for this work of art, but I can already taste the atmosphere of her presence…



Old age

Yesterday you asked: “How much longer will I stay here?”
My answer was: “Until you die”.
“I want to participate in life”, you said.
I heard your Spirit speaking.
Your Spirit is forever young and she cannot find her way in the home for elderly people where you live.
"The desire of your Spirit keeps you here on earth", I pondered, "close to me, even though your mental faculties are failing and the possibilities of your body are declining."

I hear your desire to live, regardless the challenges you are facing.
It is clear to me now that we are not limited to our bodies, we are free.

Who are we?



Creating space in time

Sometimes daily life asks so much of my time and attention that the feeling of living in a whirlpool of events creeps up on me.
I then feel like a hamster running on her wheel and hear a plaintive voice deep inside that wants me to let go of the program and listen to what wants to be heard and seen instead.
Today is such a day that I have given in to this.
Right away I feel the space to write, to paint, to sing, to rest.
My creative being rejoices.



In the silence

I cherish my true self in the silence of my being