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Joos's journal


The West of the medicine wheel

Before we start painting in the North of the medicine wheel we visit the West, the direction where we will end up after having gone full circle.
In the West lives the visionary, the one who has a vision of what our inner self wants to do in the world.
We can find our inner calling by taking our minds to our childhood and by remembering how we were as a child. 
What were we are good at and what did we dislike the most?
Those two sides are usually one another’s opposite.
Our contribution to the world has to do with our aversion.
Because from the inside, we would like to be involved in reducing what we dislike the most.
If we follow this path, our actions will be supported by who we are.
In the West of the medicine wheel we can start dreaming about how we can give form to this.
I am going to do that...



Color of Woman training

Tomorrow, on the 1st of April, starts the Color of Woman teacher training, given by Shiloh McCloud.
The empty canvas is already waiting.
We start painting in the North of the medicine wheel, where the muse lives.
At times life takes a mysterious turn.



Here she is


Her name is: The deep voice within.
She is a portal, an opening, towards what wants to be heard.
You can ask her a question and listen to the answer that arises in you.
There are many symbols in the painting because that is Shiloh Sophia McCloud’s way of teaching.
There are also many layers.
My intention for this painting was ‘peace’.
Without consciously giving form to this aim, the serenity that emanates from her appeared by itself.
Life is a mystery.




Yesterday, after painting, my critical mind appeared with great intensity.
I thoroughly disliked the way I had painted her hair.
My thoughts traveled in all directions and my heart was also restless.
This morning I clicked on one of the ideas of this website and received the following:

I invite the silent Power to show me the way.

How appropriate!
The explanation of the idea was also very clarifying:

Today, let's forget about the will of our small beings.
We invite our essences to enter our lives more.
This invitation is the opening to a deeper part of our spirit.
By this call forces awaiting our invitation are made operative.
Forces that are always present.
To everyone.

The idea comforted me and helped me to find the courage and the patience to repaint her hair and to start anew.
Her locks are blue now.



The first layer of paint

The first layer of paint still is a doorway, an opening towards what will appear.


The canvas still is empty

The new year started well for me because I am taking a painting course with Shiloh Sophia McCloud.
The easel stands in my room, the canvas still is empty.
The canvas is the door, the gateway, towards the source of inspiration.
I am curious.




I notice that my thoughts are running around in circles.
This causes that similar situations arise, with me reacting the same every time.
I keep hoping that the situation will change, but that is not the case.
That is why I decide to click an idea from my website today, in order to transcend the deadlock.
I receive idea 26:
I am free to decide myself how I will respond to the world.
How appropriate, I can apply this!
This also makes me realize that the solution of a problem is to be found on another level than the plane of the situation where the problem is.
My thoughts still are grumbling.
I shall need to remind myself often.
In theory I know, because I have written my books myself, but putting the ideas into practice is something else.
The darkest places of ourselves are asking to be allowed to see the light.



As she whispers she will hear her own voice

There is a blazing fire inside us,
the fire of our soul.
Nourish her, nurture her,
kindle the flame.
She wants to live
and feel the touch of the wind,
the warmth of the rays of the sun,
the fluid carrying of the waves of the ocean.
She wants to savor her own touch,
her own words.
Sparkling and glowing
she is alive,
buried in the sand of her upbringing.
Let us caress her in pure delight.
The heap of ice around her
will melt,
and as she whispers
she will hear her own voice.



The beauty of our being

Underneath our worries is the beauty of our being.
Let me abide there.

                                                                          Sacred pipe, ©Joos




Last night I heard the word “mellow”.
What a beautiful word…
Ever softer.
Softer tissue, softer convictions, softer encounters with people.
I do not need to do much, it is more like allowing, being transparent for what is at hand, vulnerable, tender, mellow, playful…