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Joos's journal


Conversation with the rock

Once more I address myself to the rock for a conversation, and I see tussock of grass growing out of an invisible hole.
The rock says:
I have been standing here for millions of years, surrounded by sea and air and wind.
The spores in me are of all times.
I am nearer to eternal being than everything that is happening.
The primal matter is inside me.
I ask: ‘Where does this primal matter come from?’
From the explosions and collisions of the stars in the universe.
‘How do you remember your origin?’
This has been researched by man and given back to me. In some way or another we know when something is correct. This also holds true for me, until a new view is revealed. We then can check this novel revelation again with our own instinct.
‘Rock, I fear that I am making all of this up and that I forget to communicate with you.’
Together we are part of what Is and in this coherence there is ultimately no difference between you and me.



Powerful energies

There are very powerful energies at work.
I can feel it in my lower chakras.
They are rumbling up all kinds of old stuff that I need to deal with in order to return to the steadfastness of my life.
Tomorrow there is a VERY powerful full moon and the day after, on March 20, is the spring equinox.
These are good moments to connect with our first and second chakra’s and to open ourselves to the movements of the earth, while maintaining an upright position, like a tree.
Let us feel the sacredness of all that happens and listen to the earth…
This is probably what the Mayas have foreseen.




At times I refrain from writing for this website, because I still take into account too much what the other person, in this case the reader, will think.
Today I put this obstacle aside and ask my higher self what I shall write.
The answer is:
Love is a state of wellbeing, physically, emotionally, mentally, because love is who we are.
We may return to her embrace at any moment.
So, I transmit this message to you…



As I grow older I live more in my center, while enjoying small things that are GREAT.
I see the tops of the tall trees against the blue and grey sky, enjoy the play of light and shadow in the garden and bask the warmth inside the house, independent of the turmoil in the world.
This is not to say that I do not feel concerned about what’s happening, but at a deeper level I notice that every little ripple of peace that originates in me has a greater effect than when I would meddle in the greater field of forces.
In my way I contribute to making peace on earth more self-evident.




Step by step I am beginning to trust my wish for painting and to express my feelings in watercolor.
Painting precedes using words and that is exciting!
The theme is the earth and feminine consciousness.
I have placed the pictures on this website because it is my desire to inspire others, also men, to cherish the earth and the feminine power in themselves.



The dance of life

Today I ask my heart what it wants for me to write.
I listen and hear that my heart wants for me to write what I want to write.
I ask: ‘Who am I?’
‘You are the doorway. A doorway to the higher aspects of the Self.’
‘Am I the doorway myself?’
‘Yes, because you can open and close yourself.’
‘I always want to be opened. Is that ok?’
‘Yes, that will give you peace. Peace especially holds good with regard to daily life.
It is always about balancing Spirit with your endeavors in the physical world.
About finding the equilibrium between the so called higher and the daily, until both are fused.’
My thoughts are floating towards the medicine wheel where we can see the spiral of life, an ongoing dance between all aspects of our being.
The spiritual of the heart in the North of the wheel manifesting on the earth in the South.
The emotions in the West being balanced by the wisdom of releasing in the East.
Life in a perpetual movement.
We can always find our stability by looking for the center, the cross between the horizontal and the vertical axis.




Yesterday I saw on television a report about the shutting down of Soestdijk, the royal palace.
They showed pictures of the royal family.
A feeling of nostalgia surged in me when I saw the young queen Juliana, the little princesses, prince Claus, prince Bernhard.
I did not idealize the past, because I also saw the problems, but I felt a kind of warmth that I could not find anymore.
My own past was connected to these images.
I found consolation when my attention returned to the now, simply to the room where I was.
In this manner I healed a part of my being split in time.



Peace, harmony, balance

Those are the words that restore the connection to myself.
A candle is burning on a corner of my desk.
How terrible I feel when I cannot find an atmosphere of harmony in myself!
Maybe I asked too much of myself by wanting to write and to paint.
Or I expected too much of the result of my writing and painting.
I have landed with both feet on the earth and give precedence to peace, harmony and balance.




When we live a new power, a new intent, those parts of us that are not in alignment with this will arise in ourselves.
We doubt the truth of our effort, we doubt the possibility of being able to do the job, we become afraid, we tell ourselves we are much too vulnerable when we express ourselves as a person with a certain power.
This happened to me after I had written the previous message in my diary, the one about writing and painting.
The fears and doubts are the watchdogs at the entrance towards a deeper level in myself.
They are so real that I do not even trust that I will get past them.
Yet I confide and let go, because there is also a sadness in me when I don’t release.
Maybe writing about this is the humanness that wants to reveal herself.


Writing and painting

I feel the desire to write and to paint in a heartwarming way, even though I do not yet know the content of what I want to express.
There is an atmosphere of subtlety and warm earthliness around this.
The type of warmth people enjoy when they love their pet.
A warmth that makes you purr, or softly roar.
It is exciting not to know beforehand what will be the theme of my writing.
I have to make time and space for this if I want to give birth to something new.
I intend to make room for my writing and painting.