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Joos's journal



It is easier for me now to understand why I love my computer.
It enables me to write, and to make contact with people all over the world.
Also can I read how the consciousness of others is developing and I can check this with my own feelings.
The big step computers are now making is the move from the private computer towards cloud computing, where the computer functions more as a sender/receiver than as a database for information.
This change runs parallel to the growth of my own spirit.
I trust ever more my ability to tune in to all kinds of transmitters around me and inside me.
Even death has become less threatening through this.
Because the trust in the ‘higher dimensions’, precisely this fine-tuning, will help to cross over seamlessly.




I am preparing a booklet from the texts in the diary of this website.
It is interesting to note how often I have written about solstices, lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, powerful energies, the old that has gone and the new that is not so clear yet.
Maybe that is what will remain and for which we are preparing: Handling change and opening for the new that is arriving.
Letting go of our fear and opening for the love for what Is instead…



Full moon

Sometimes I still feel a vague fear for what’s to come.
This concern is based on my wish to keep everything the way it is.
I know that this curtails my freedom, constricts my life, and shuts out the exuberance and the passion of who I truly am.
When I release my thoughts I do live in my heart, in the present.
Here I find the trust of being able to handle any situation that arises, because, if I do not lock myself out by giving in to fear, who I am will live on in the truth of what happens.
I have the feeling that all of us are facing this at this moment .
We are being prepared, so to speak, to trust our ability to cope with situations.
That is how we become the captains of our ship, no matter whether the sea is calm or turbulent.
In this manner we open for the many possibilities life offers us.
The full moon tomorrow, and the complete lunar eclipse on the same day, both have to do with this opening to the unknown.



The moon

Last night the moon shone in her full glory through the open window.
Since she was nearing the horizon she seemed close by.
I looked at her from my bed and tried to get in touch.
The contact was about the moon not being able to see herself.
She can just be who she is.
She can radiate in view of the fact that she is a round sphere reflecting the light of the sun.
Within half an hour she had left my field of vision.
What is at the base of this eternal harmonic movement of the celestial bodies?
I sense the wonder of this and doze off again.




I am sitting outside, on my terrace.
Birds are singing their beautiful songs and in the birdhouse I hear young ones squeaking.
When I stay present in the Now nothing is wrong, on the contrary, I feel joyful, but at times a fear for change creeps in.
A fear that causes a stir in my deepest core.
And that leads me towards searching for ways to calm my fearful self.
At such moments I listen to ‘Times are Changing’ on Youtube, sung in 1973 in Carnegie Hall by Josephine Baker.
Her raw and passionate voice and the waltz rhythm of the melody help my heart and my body-self to find a state of enjoyment again.
Now, while sitting outside on my terrace, I know that the core of the earth herself is shaken.
I also am aware now that we are asked to let the earth know that we are conscious of that and that we are willing to assist her in her process of change.
My heart is calm now.




The victory is not to be found in being able to cope with everything, or in being successful, the victory is to be found in the recognition that we have been faithful to our path, in search for the love, the truth, the compassion, irrespective of what was going on in our lives and in the world.
Many people who read this will recognize how they, time and again, have returned to this pursuit.
Not the results of our effort, but the road itself can be a victory march when we can let go of our attachment to the outcome.
We brighten up the darkness by holding just one candle in our hand.



Conversation with the candle

I felt restless and irritated, so I emptied my workspace, lit a candle and asked the flame for advice.
I heard: Let the fire of your life be seen to the world.
‘How can I do that?’
By being brave and courageous.
‘What’s the difference between being brave and being courageous?’
Being brave is letting the wisdom within shine through you. This is more a matter of being than of acting.
Being courageous is having the fire to show your will.
‘That’s more difficult.’
Yes, there is a gap for you to do that.
‘How did I lose it?’
Through a misunderstanding about ‘Thy will be done’.
You have the feeling that there is a Will outside your will.
That is a fallacy, based on the parent-child interaction.
Your will is the Will of the Divine.
‘My will is the Will of the Divine.
There is nothing I would rather do than write this on my website.’
So, now you see that your will and the Divine Will are one.


The door

When I ask myself what I want to write today I hear the following:
Love is omnipresent to accompany the process of rebirth we are passing through.
We may let go of the feelings of doubt in our head because with our intellect we will never be completely sure.
Our true knowing comes from our heart and all distractions from the outside or the inside of us may be left behind.
Feelings like fear, doubt, judgment, chaos are standing as gatekeepers at the entrance towards our true selves.
The door is open and all that is being asked of us is to walk through with ease and to open ourselves for the unknown.
The time for such a process is always in the Now.


Good Friday

I have the feeling I am preparing for Good Friday.
Fortunately I not only listen to Bach’s Mattheus Passion, because I also have John, Mark, and Luke’s.
What has this man of Nazareth done for us so that after 2000 years we still feel the resonance?
For me it is significant that he had a wife.
Mary Magdalene for me is an example of the feminine and of the unity between the earthly and the sacred.
I believe that I am moving in that direction.
I feel those aspects inside myself and to integrate them is my calling.
The darkness and the light inside myself.
The warmth of life and the coldness of death.
Surrender, release.
Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder…



Conversation with the ocean

Having gone passed my resistance to sharing deeper conversations, I want to share my communication with the ocean with you:
Be silent like the depth of the ocean that remains untouched by the stirrings of the waves and the tides.
This ever present being is present in all that is in you and around you.
Be ever present in all that reaches the shores of your consciousness.
Openness towards what Is is being ever present in what Is.
You can always recuperate from your deviating by returning to this.
My question: ‘Is this It?’
Yes, but you can grow in opening yourself towards the abundance of the life that evolves you.
You and your experiencing are one. We need you on earth to make this connection.
‘Which connection?’
The connection of being ever present in what Is.
‘I love this dialogue. Do you like it?’
I have been waiting for your opening to meet Me.
‘Who are You?’
I am the softness of my breath on your skin. The sound of the breakers of the ocean, the sun warming your hand while you write.
I am the smell of the coffee your husband just poured and I am also him.
There is nothing to be excluded from who I am, and you are gradually coming to know me.
I am the Spirit that moves both of you.
‘Please keep talking to me, even when I am focused on other activities where I tend to forget you. My craving to feel your embrace is so great that I feel irritated. Please help me to release this.’
I am the peace in your heart, the stillness in your breath.
‘I want to surrender my life to you, but sometimes I don’t know how.’
You just made a great jump towards me and life always tests us. Trust that you are on the right path.