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Joos's journal



I discover how important it is to totally accept the circumstances of our life when we want to start taking responsibility for ourselves.
The same applies to the acknowledgment of the feelings that are evoked by the situation, our own feelings.
We can experience this love for ourselves in our heart and extend the love to rest of our bodies.
Only then we can choose in freedom how we want to deal with the situation and how we can make the best of the given circumstances.
Maybe in the end we will find that no sea is too high, no bridge too far.




Let us feel the connecion between our hearts on this day and resonate with a knowing that we are One.
Let each of us take up our unique place in a circle of sweet embrace.
Let us send a message to the earth that we love her and that we thank her for the abundance of her nature.
May we bless the waters of the earth and ask them to anoint our bodies with their sacredness.
May we thank the air that we breathe for her life giving force.
May we feel the soft glowing radiance of a new dawn. 
May we find our center in the balance between the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine and may we know that we are sovereign beings.
May we feel the blessing of being responsible for every step that we take.
Let us feel the resonance of the wave of love that so many of us are creating in groups all over the world.
So be it.



End of the Maya calendar

On the 28th of October, which is tomorrow, the Maya calendar comes to completion.
Since the date is so near it is easier for me to perceive what is going on.
All old patterns are breaking down; we see this happening around us.
People who want to live in freedom and self-responsibility are letting themselves be heard.
This same process is also taking place inside ourselves.
I notice that precisely the obstacles that have bothered me most have been and are my greatest teachers for beginning to live from the new consciousness.
What does this new consciousness consist of?
It means that, again and again, I choose for love instead of letting myself be troubled  by fear for what might happen.
At the deepest we are love, so through this process I feel ever more connected to who I am and to what is happening Now.
When I am not preoccupied with my thoughts there usually is peace and silence in the Now.
Also am I aware that I am co-creator and that I create the future with my thoughts.
Not only for myself but also for those who live after me.
Likewise it is important not to be distracted by the burden others are carrying and also am I aware of the importance of feeling love for myself.
Because the shortcomings of others that unsettle me remind me of the parts of myself that I have not yet been able to accept. This means that other people are mirrors that show me where I have yet to learn to love myself.
In my heart I can sense which road to travel. I feel this guidance in a physical way.
These are important times. It seems like we are living in a period of transition.
I’ll end this note with a paradox:
Even though I am aware that we are co-creators, I feel at the same time that I cannot influence what life will offer me.
‘Thy will be done’ remains a major support.



Natural being

Finally it dawns on me what will remain when I let go of everything.
That is my natural being, I take her everywhere.
By sensing my body I feel connected with life and with everything around me.
Even though I am fully related to my surroundings, none of us are identical and all of us walk a different trail.
So let us not forget our uniqueness.
No two roses are the same.



Heaven and earth

Last night I sat outside and looked at the cloud formation above the ocean.
All of a sudden I felt how much fear was in the air.
I do not know whether it was a fear from heaven, a type of fear about whether the earth would survive, or a fear of the earth, an insecurity whether she would be able to cope with all of the chaos.
I felt the importance of grounding the fear and of being conscious of her presence.
Only by reconnecting with her, the veils of clouds would be able to dissolve and the connection between heaven and earth restored.
I told the earth to just be her natural, extraordinarily beautiful self and that this would help her to regain her balance.
I also said that the consciousness of the earth is eternal, whatever should happen to her.
Never before has my feeling of what we can do as humans to reestablish the balance between heaven and earth been so profound.
I realized that I contribute most to the reuniting of heaven and earth by overcoming the fear within myself.
After that I covered myself delightfully with a thin, down duvet and enjoyed a deep sleep.



New moon

Today is the first day of a new moon in the Maya calendar.
This moon resonates with the energy of the deer, representing gentleness, beauty, grace, and attunement to nature.
In this moon we also ask ourselves how we can best serve the greater whole.
I read this today in a newsletter from the “Foundation for the Law of Time”.
The beauty for me is that this is precisely the theme of my last poem.
You can find the poem on the 'Poetry' page in the 'Reflections' menu of this website.
Apparently these energies float in the air and I receive them when I open myself towards them.
By living according to those energies we begin to live more in unity.




I notice how important it is to keep my focus on what I want to experience, instead of giving in to feelings of uneasiness.
Ever again I remind myself that I am the captain of the ship, even though the sea seems to be rough.
Most likely I absorb many emotions and fears from others, without noticing that they are not personal.
I know that I am not my reaction to the world, I wrote about this in my books.
Pure presence, at any moment, can help me to decide on my direction.
Peace, harmony, balance.
Universal power follows our train of thought.




I feel as if I am on a rollercoaster ride with tracks in all directions.
This has to do with the fact that we live in an important transition period.
There are so many possibilities we can choose from that we could lose our sense of direction.
I am aware of this in myself and also just read it in a newsletter from Aluna Joy.
She hears from the Star Elders that, in spite of feeling out of control, it is important to choose a direction.
I shall decide on an intention.
Also that we have to keep our minds open towards the new, the unexpected, and to have the courage to keep moving.
Movement will help to integrate this wave of energy.
According to Aluna Joy, and I fully support this: ‘It is our job to hold the space of this KNOWING that it will be OK . . . and transmit this KNOWING across the Earth daily, minute by minute, by our thoughts and actions’.
For me it is impressive to recognize so deeply what Aluna writes and also to receive the answer to the confusion I felt, the following day on my computer.
We are all part of one flow.



Our true self

I love silence; I always return to her.
My mind is quiet and most of the time I have few appointments in my agenda.
Yet something in me remains restless.
Time and again I need to search for a new way to cope with this.
A few days ago I read that in earlier times a control has been placed around our consciousness, in order to prevent for true wisdom to come to the light.
I do recognize this. Often I become afraid then.
Every instant my mind tends to enter into an old, negative groove, I remind myself of a quality I find important.
This intention gives me a focus. It is a type of searching light to find my direction, in order to stay true to my true self.
Our true self consists of all aspects of love.
The focus amplifies our energetic aim.
In this manner we can magnetize and intensify anything we choose from the universe and feel this in our direct experience.
Above all, let us not forget to open to the new.
Ever again.



Whole, unique, and feminine

I am whole, unique, and feminine.
When I remember this, my inside stops reacting to all kinds of things.
When I remember this, my inner self feels recognized, by myself.
‘I am whole’ signifies that I am conscious of the fact that I create my own reactions. No one outside of me does that to me.
‘I am unique’ means that I know that there is no one like me, and that it is important for all of us to bring our own individuality into this world. It means that we are totally different from one another and dare to be so.
And ‘feminine’ makes everything soft, gentle, and full of surrender.
My body is a sacred instrument to experience all of this.