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Joos's journal



I have the impression that life sends us constantly more energy, which arouses the feeling that the boat we are sailing is riding ever higher waves.
By returning to the silence within I keep my balance and find the courage to be true to who I am.
That is the challenge all of us are facing.



Living in the silence

I love to live in the silence.
Sometimes life brings me obstacles that disturb this state of being.
In such a case I need to follow my intuition and have faith in guidance.
The intuition often makes herself known in an uncomfortable manner.
In such a case I get irritated, feel sad or angry and lose the harmony with myself.
By understanding what is the true message behind those feelings, and by having the courage to pursue guidance, the disharmony dissolves.
I notice that I have done the right thing when the pieces of the puzzle have rearranged themselves.
After dissolving the disruption I often notice that the friction has created an opening towards gaining inner strength.
At such a moment I return to living in the silence.




May I feel confident and at ease, even in the craziest of situations.
May harmony fill my life.
May I know my truth and live accordingly, also when she is denied by others.
May I be at peace, even when there is war around me.
May I be present for those who need me in their hardship.
May I flow with the river of life instead of fighting the obstructions.
May I see beauty, even when she is covered by a crust of judgment.
Oh, may I feel Your grace when I am not understood.
May I feel Your mind touching my body, even in the strangest of places.
May this take precedence in my life over all that is happening.
And may this shine through me in the tapestry of life that all of us are weaving together.
Oh yes, may this be.



Don't give up

Sometimes, when I read something, a word or a sentence enters me with a heightened intensity.
This time is was a phrase from a Spanish poet. He wrote: ‘No te rindas, no cedas’.
The words mean something like: ‘Do not give in, don’t yield’.
The words entered my heart directly and although they seem to be in contradiction with the surrender and the openness I usually aspire to, they provide me with a strength that was lacking earlier.
A kind of determination that was unknown to me.
No te rindas, no cedas.
Our unconscious doesn’t know the negative form and I feel that these words stand on the threshold between surrender and not surrendering.
Actually they mean: Do not give up, whatever happens.




I still notice in myself a tendency to attribute my fear for change to the circumstances I live in.
When I do that the uneasiness grows because old patterns are reactivated.
I then start to live in those patterns and distance myself from the continuous state of becoming that I am.
When I flee into fear for the future I also move away from what is Now and who I am Now.
All signals direct me to this one point that is not a point but a doorway towards who I am.
The eye of the needle then becomes a wide opening in which I am creatively present.



Playing with the Life Force

Today I received the first copy of the English version of my book Playing with the Life Force.
I had never gotten around to publishing the English text, but now, with the right help, I got it done.
The size of the book is A4, which makes it very practical.
Now we are working on the Spanish version of Wholeness complete.
After this the set of three books in three languages will be complete.



Let's enter the silence

Let’s enter the silence and leave behind the stories about all that can go wrong.
Let’s enter the silence and trust the good outcome.
Let’s enter the silence and take one another by the hand.
Until dawn arrives.
Let’s enter the silence.



The new year

Let us celebrate on this first day of the New Year that a cycle has come to an end and that windows are opening towards a territory that has not been charted before.
By bringing our attention to our hearts and by focusing on a value like joy, tenderness, playfulness, peace, freedom, wisdom, integrity, grace, we ease the process of transition towards a new form, not only for ourselves, but also for the earth and for the people who live on it.
We are co-creators.
On January 1st, 2012, many people around the world will participate in a wave of peace for the highest good of all.
We can connect to this.
Not only are we receivers of energy, we are senders as well.



Peace on earth

I notice that, on this day of the solstice, all kinds of things come to light that are not in alignment with my highest being.
By tuning in to and resonating with a field of grace, wellbeing and gentleness I open my heart for the rebirth of the light.
The light in my heart wants peace on earth for all beings.
I softly surrender to this. 



Winter solstice

The world is preparing for something grand, even though we read in the newspaper about the dark edges of this change.
A new consciousness is born, a consciousness we can connect to, each of us in our own unique manner.
We cannot understand this with our thinking anymore, that is not necessary, because the true change is transmitted through an awareness in our hearts.
We sense whether something is true, and whether something is suited for us or rather not.
I notice that it is important to feel myself, and to relax in a kind of juicy enjoyment of my body.
This consciousness will assist and support us when we indicate clearly what we want.
Thus we are nearing and are being neared by the invisible eternal.
Allowing and entrusting are important themes.
It is about yielding to the unknown that is on the verge of being lived.