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Joos's journal


Following the flow of life

Sometimes life pushes a bit.
This time it was a big poke.
What’s going on?
The Lynn Andrews Mystery school has planned a four day stay in the U.S. twice a year.
I had totally put aside the idea of attending the first gathering at the end of May.
There were many reasons for this decision:
Visiting the U.S. twice a year is too luxurious, I cannot be missed at home, I want to be present at all the dates of the tennis competition.
The final registration date for the gathering was three weeks ago.
All of a sudden I got restless. My inner self wanted to attend.
Within two days everything was arranged.
I will go.



Every evening after sunset, Venus appears in the sky as a bright star.
When I look again she also, just like the sun, has disappeared behind the horizon.
The lamps inside are lit, we see the latest news on television while at any moment the mystery is taking place.


White Thursday

In Holland the children still go to school, while in Spain everybody is celebrating the "Semana Santa", the week before Easter.
The waves of the ocean quietly roll in an everlasting encounter with the earth.
The orange sun disappears behind the horizon, lighting the skies with a golden glow.
A seagull passes our window.
Why am I here?
I am here.




I have entered a new school.
A school where we learn to integrate the mystery into our lives.
It took some time for me to get used to the new program, because of the many tasks we have to do.
Yet I wanted to have the discipline to comply with the demands of the school. Because of this I felt a bit chaotic.
Then I decided that my inner composure is more important than the circumstances life brings me.
That’s how I am succeeding in integrating my own rhythm of life with all the changes.


The Beloved has many forms

We flew back to Holland a few days ago.
Since I have a problem with the writing program on my computer I spend a lot of time trying to solve this.
However, up till now, unsuccesfull.
On my desk I have the book Burning questions by Isaac Shapiro and Annie Williams.
Reading the book and experiencing what is written is a splendid spiritual practise while I am waiting for the installing and de-installing of programs on my computer.
The most beautiful sentence in the book:

We can receive our experience as the Beloved.



The wind

Every day we walk for an hour on the beach. We turn at the little guard house.
Today I doubted whether I would go, because the wind was strong. It blew from the South East; in Spain they name this type of wind Levante.
I saw some brown, gentle horses grazing on the grass that grows on the beach. This view invited me to come and be there too.
Going was easy, the wind kind of made me fly.
After turning around the sand blew in my face and the wind pushed me almost into the water. I saw the sun smile gently, the waves of the ocean were very near.
It was like swimming against the stream: One wonders whether one will ever move forward.
On the way out I had seen some stones that could be used to fortify the lowest steps of the stairs that lead from our house to the beach. The storm had loosened the sand underneath the rock that makes up one of these steps.
On the way home the stones were still in the same place and I picked them up. Having one in each hand made me heavier and lighter at the same time, because they made me forget about the storm.
I silently laid them down in the sand at the bottom of the stairs. They will be there until they are used to fortify the lowest step of the stairs that lead towards the beach.


The new year

Maybe the angel of inspiration will come and sit on my shoulder if I just start moving my pen on the paper, while I wait for what’s to come.
I feel peaceful, even though there is a succession of days that either seem to be a Sunday or are a Sunday.
Evidently it is time to turn deeply into myself, with little distraction from the outside, just like the flower bulbs in the garden are hibernating under a layer of snow. Their roots will enter the earth abundantly as soon as the rays of the sun are a bit stronger, and new life will be formed, which eventually will show itself in the miraculous beauty of a flower.
I wish for everyone who reads this that the good things that life has in store for you will unfold in 2010!


Full moon

On the 31th of December 2009 the moon will be full. From that date the portal towards the energy of Love will be open.
Time to leave behind old patterns that keep us separated from this abundant Energy.

In our bodies we can feel the light of our soul that connects us to the Divine.
The intent of wanting to experience this union + a receptive attitude are enough to unite body and soul and to live this truth.



When we are in Spain we see very well that in winter the setting of the sun is in a totally different place than where we see it in summer.
Now we see the sun go down in her most Southern position, which is in the direction of Africa.
After December 21th, the day of the solstice, the sun will set in a position which is slightly more Northern every day. In June the sun does not disappear in the ocean but behind a peace of land that sticks out in the ocean.
It seems like the earth makes a very stable pendulum motion year after year, but in reality she makes an elliptical movement around the sun.
When I visualise this I am impressed by the ingenious cogwheels of creation.
I feel it in my center.
Also I can depict that the turnaround of direction sets in motion a lot of energy.
Anything that is not in concord with this ‘music of the spheres’ is brought to consciousness.
We read this daily in the newspapers.


Waves of light

Usually, when I am in Spain, I encounter an unpleasant aspect of myself.
Nature is so magnificent in this place, and there is so little distraction, that every facet that is not in correspondence with the beauty around me is enlarged in a caricatural way.
Fortunately I usually bring some books that by mere ‘accidence’ show me the way out of the self created darkness.
This time it happened likewise.
The book is written by Deepak Chopra: Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.
Chopra explains that our bodies are unlimited and that our brains are totally flexible, because at all times new neurological networks are being created.
When we keep repeating negative thoughts, neurons are fired in the corresponding network in the brain. The network grows and our bodies make us feel terrible as a result.
Tibetan monks do the opposite. By meditating on the idea of compassion the neurological network that corresponds with this state grows, which makes it easier for their bodies to produce this benevolent state.
Love, grace, truth, intelligence are present in the universe like waves of light.
We need do no more than open ourselves towards the light.
It is possible.