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Joos's journal


Learning 2

Today I learned something important.
It is about fear.
We say that love is the opposite of fear. It is.
But, sometimes we need something else.
Today I said to myself every time I felt shy, fearful: I take up the challenge.
It made me feel courageous. I felt stronger than I normally do.
It helped me to stay present in my body.
Wonderful. I love this challenge.



Yesterday I visited Gopher, the publisher of my books, and we talked about the design of the Dutch version of my book Playing with the life force.
This was the first time I personally met someone from the publishing firm.
Apparently I have gotten used to being by myself and working through the internet: Writing, publishing, translating…
I even have never met Carol Grigg, the painter who made the beautiful illustrations for my first two books. I do experience a contact on the non-physical plane with the people with whom I am cooperating.
The need to become less invisible is great. Maybe Carol intended to paint this when she made the above illustration for the book Wholeness complete.



I find it difficult to share personal things in this journal, while at the same time I feel it's important. Sark wrote today: I am convinced that when we can share our "real stuff'', we can then alchemize it into something valuable to bring to the world.
So I'll give it a try.
Yesterday I was in Gouda, near a lake. Suddenly there was a big lightning. I could feel it entering my heart, on the right side. The thunderbolt came a lot later, so the thunderstorm was still far away. It was a nice feeling, as long as I did not go into fear. All through the storm I could feel this connection to the lightning, and I managed to stay in love, to not go into fear.
This morning I read in the newspaper that never before there have been recorded so many places where the lightning has struck.
I feel I am part of this.


The ocean

I am in the South of Spain now, in my house overlooking the ocean.
I love to just listen to the sounds of the ocean, to watch the skies, the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds celebrating life...
To breathe the air, and feel close that which is eternal and everywhere.
Every time I'm here I feel that I can connect deeper to who I am...


The search for the holy grail

Last Sunday I visited a presentation by Janosh and Phil Gruber.
Janosh is a Dutchman who draws beautiful circular geometric shapes. Someone found out that these forms coincide exactly with the patterns in the cropcircles that were later found in France and in England. This was the start of an exciting journey for Janosh.
His search now goes even deeper. He now uses his sacred geometry for the search for the holy grail.
The beauty for me was that during this process he was visited by Mary Magdalen's energy. He got instructions from her about the way this should be presented. Janosh told us that her energy crumbles everything that's in the way for truly being who we are at the core of our beings. It is a very feminine energy that does not like to be framed, labeled.
This is the second time within a month that I feel touched by her energy.
The energy helps us to reconcile the masculine and the feminine in ourselves. So we can be active and strong in a feminine way.



Recently we visited the U.S.
Highlight of the trip was a "Magdalen retreat" with Tom Kenyon and Judy Sion.
They wrote the book The Magdalen Manuscript.
Mary Magdalen proposed the program for the workshop. She could do so because Tom Kenyon channels her through his voice.
This meant that on Saturday before Easter there was a great ritual with the energy of seven archangels present through Tom's music. It was an impressive event and felt like homecoming to me.
There were 450 people present.


Secret wish

A secret wish of mine is to be an ambassador for SOS Children's Villages.
This morning I thought: I can be one, even though I have not been officially assigned for the job.
SOS Children's Villages is a world wide organization. They have villages all over the world, where children who lost their home live together with brothers and sisters and a carefully selected, professionally trained mother. They live in family houses. If I would have lost my home as a child, I would have wanted to be welcomed here.
When I wrote my books Wholeness and Wholeness complete, I had the feeling I received the information. Just like we receive the rain. We don't keep the rain. So, I did not want to keep the revenues from the books and donated them to SOS Children's Villages.
My heart is with the mothers and the children in those villages.



Since visiting SARK's website I feel a lot of creativity arising in me, erasing the shouldn'ts and the oughtn'ts in my body.
Couln't wait for Sark's book on Creativity to arrive, so I bought some colored pens and started drawing the Buddha standing next to the place where I like to sit a lot. There is a mirror behind, reflecting the back of the Buddha's head, the lamp, the glowing red flowers underneath, the skies and trees and shrubs in our garden. Quite a complicated image, but the impression is so familiar and new at the same time.
Then I started writing a text next to the drawing about the posture of the Buddha's hands, expressing HAVE NO FEAR. I found those words still quite agressive, fear reminds me of the war, so I started changing those words into:
Have no...have no...have...have...have...have LOVE.



I learn today how important it is to take responsibility for the choices in life.
If I don't do that, I become a nagging person.
It's not easy to take the road less traveled, but now I can feel again that it's rewarding, although life differs from my expectations.


Book in Spanish

I am excited about publishing my book: Playing with the life force in Spanish.
We are in the final correction phase.
I wrote the book in Dutch, and translated the text into Spanish, by email, with someone whom I have never met, but we know each other so well. He, the translator, doesn't speak Dutch.
It seems like the goal of my life is to promote the importance of the body.
I can feel my own body from the top of my head to the tips of my toes now, whereas I used to live a life where I was split from my body.
This feels wonderful, now that I can feel what I feel.