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Joos's journal


The Wave

March 21st, six days from now, marks the beginning of springtime.
The sun will be right above the equator on that day.
It also is Good Friday, full moon, and Maya New Year.
The Maya Star Elders consider this day, the equinox, as being important for focusing on good intentions.
For example on the day of the equinox, aiming for peace, harmony and compassion will have more effect than on other days, .
For that reason Aluna Joy has organised a “Wave". People from all over the world are participating.
By joining our forces on that day by, especially in the very early morning hours, focusing on positive intentions, we together create a tidal wave of powerful, transforming, healing energy and a positive vision for the future.
I sense that I am preparing for this.


New grounds

These days, when I want to write something in the Point of light, I feel timid.
It's like passing a barrier of social prejudice and I hear myself saying: ...That's not done...!
I write anyhow, and trust treading on new grounds.


Nothing to write

It has been a long time since I wrote something in this journal.
As if nothing was important enough to tell here.
How glad would I be if more people would write something in the guestbook of this website, or in the meeting place…
Or if they would make contact through email…
Or if people would tell me why they never would do such a thing.
Or if we would keep one another informed about our growth.
Please let it be known that you are wholeheartedly invited to do so!

I shall make a start with this.
For me the body remains a miraculous source during my exploration.
It looks like all that we thought we had lost can be found in our bodies.
My body seems to become more enthusiastic all the time, just by me being aware of the energy flow.
Small pulses of energy everywhere.
I am not used to using the word “Divine, but now it sounds like the right word.



Last weekend I attended a workshop, which was led by Tom Kenyon. It was held in Mijas, a village near Malaga, in Spain.
Tom teaches co-creation. He has the insight and the methods to teach us how to create new neurological realities in our brains. He coaches us by way of sound healing and by teaching us to apply sacred geometrical figures to our bodies, and to our brains.
Why would one want to do this?
I have a feeling that we do not use the networks in our brains in an optimal manner, because of old vicious circles.
It runs parallel to the negative patterns on the psychological plane, which I described earlier in the meeting place of this website. Tendencies which tend to disturb our peace of mind.
So I now know of two ways to create a more balanced state for ourselves. One is by reminding ourselves of our heart’s intentions. The other one is by applying the sacred geometrical patterns around our bodies, or in our brains.
At the end of the workshop we held a long meditation, to extend the acquired balance to the earth.
I am in my house in Spain now. It takes time to integrate all of this.



A group of girlfriends is visiting me in my house in Spain.
This is the eighth time we spend a week together.
The first years I felt very responsible and did not succeed in enjoying the "invasion" in my home. I tended to withdraw in an old pattern of survival.
Last year a problem arose in the group. It showed especially during dinner, after we had some glasses of wine. One of us would start talking loudly and none of us could reach her, because she wouldn't listen anymore. Some others would get irritated. This year we were eager to solve this problem, although we didn't know how to do this.
Last night it happened: she started talking louder and louder and did not accept any interference. All of a sudden I said: "Wait", and walked to the kitchen, looking for something that could serve as a "talking stick". I came back with a serving spoon and gave it to the one concerned, explaining that only the one who was holding the spoon was allowed to talk.
It worked perfectly. We shared deeper and more authentic things and found again the friendship that's at the base of this group.



In my house in the South of Spain, right at the Atlantic ocean, I am preparing a room where I can accompany groups. The room is acquiring a warm, earthly glow with the attention it gets.
The name of the group will be: 'The body as an entrance to who we are'.
There is a small, friendly hotel at the beach where my house is located. People can stay there.
A Spanish friend of mine will have an Ayurvedic contribution to the group-weeks.
It feels so good to experience that my dreams begin to take shape.


The Mother

Many people, including me, are used to thinking in masculine terms when we wonder about religion. We believe in authority, rules, and are afraid that we are bad people, because we did not do the right thing. This is engraved in the cells of our bodies. This morning I realized that everything in nature, all that has taken form, including our bodies, is part of the great Mother. For me, for my body, this is a comforting thought.


Essential forces

This morning I woke up with a new vision.
In my book Playing with the Life Force I have been writing about the body, and the place of the Tzolkin sun glyphs in our bodies. The writing of this book happened to me like an unplanned child may present itself.
At first I felt completely taken by surprise and now I am very happy that the child is taking form.
Well, this morning I understood that the Tzolkin sun glyphs are essential forces, ways in which the ONE essence presents itself through our bodies.
I can feel that deep in our bodies there is a more essential way of being, a deeper ground.
We can connect to this.


Something unusual

Today I did something unusual.
Although I like to write little notes on my web site, it felt different this time.
As if I wrote about a subject I don't know anything about.
Still I felt the urge to do it. You can read the result on the page 'Point of light'.
Probably my hesitancy has to do with the topic. The theme is about the higher dimensions placing of a grid of light around the earth. How can I know this has happened?
I have a good reason to trust this matter, but still?
O.k., everyone may find out for themselves.
I have to admit that this grid and helping to sustain it really is a theme that has occupied my mind for some months now, so I may as well share it with the people who are visiting my web site.


The sun glyphs

Before we can publish my third book, in Dutch and Spanish, we have to change the color of the sun glyph signs in black and white. Otherwise the books would have too many colored illustrations.
So I am waiting for this to happen. A designer will make a new design on the computer.
These kind of things always take some time.

Every day I become more convinced of the importance of our bodies.
Our consciousness, our awareness, is located in our bodies.
Our consciousness precedes the kind of awareness we experience in our bodies.
Our bodies react to the way we think.
So, with our consciousness we create the way we experience the world.
We can train our consciousness to react less to the ups and downs of our environment and to express itself more from inside.
My consciousness seems to enjoy this.