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Joos's journal



Since a few weeks I read one idea per day from Wholeness Complete, the second book I wrote.
I love to inhale the energy of the ideas.
Yesterday I read idea 18: I open myself for a Love that is not of this world.
I let the energy of the thought enter me totally and realize that this is the love that inspired me to write the book.
Also I am aware that the content of the book is about this love.
That we are this love and that our lives, when we open ourselves for this energy, become more radiant and less troubled by our thoughts about how life should be.
I know that the Force is creative.
Doing and being become more intimate with one another…



I am not my reaction to the world

I have the feeling that the ideas from my books are penetrating ever deeper.
This morning this was very clear. 
The plumber would come early and in advance I was already upset about the thought that he might not come.
Then I heard in myself: “I am not my response to the world”.
That's the first idea from my second book: Wholeness Complete.
I felt that my reaction is pure energy, and that the energy can also be allowed as a force.
The plumber indeed did not come, but my peace of mind was not disturbed. 
An hour later he called and told me that he would be here later.



Here she is

At the end of the painting process it is customary to listen to what the painting has to say.
She tells me to be totally myself and to trust my feeling.
To be gentle for myself, my harshness is no longer needed.
I also feel the importance for the life of a woman to be aware of her womb, so that the feminine can thrive and the centuries-old suppression by patriarchal influence can be released.
The body is a sacred instrument to embody the soul.
Her name is "Gentle presence". 



The legendary self

I have started creating a new painting, guided by Shiloh McCloud’s inspiring instructions.
The theme is the legendary self, that is to say, I paint from a curiosity about how "she" wants to appear at this moment.
My initial intention was to show how the legendary self emerges from the fog and I'm super surprised to see that a figure appears who knows that pleasure is the driving force of our universe.
The last idea of my book Wholeness also expresses this:

I entrust myself to this moment.
I entrust myself to the Force that takes delight in me as part of
This relationship is eternal.

When I wrote the book I had the feeling that this was about entrusting ourselves to a Force outside ourselves.
Now I know that pleasure and joy can also be found deep within, by being aware of the feminine caverns inside our bodies.
Finally I am beginning to find words to convey this.



The first day of the new year

In the last days of 2016 I cleaned up my bookshelves.
Boxes filled with books went to the thrift store.
The book “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson stayed with me.
I am impressed because, 25 years ago, the writer could bring the content of “A Course in Miracles” in such a plain human language to us.
On this first day of the new year I wonder what is the essence of her writing for me:
It is about, time and again, opening up to a larger Force.
Our thinking is often not sufficient to bring us closer to the solution of our problems.
We have a free will, so indeed we need to ask for support, in order to open ourselves to the resolution of the obstacle.
We then notice that there is a greater Source of power knocking on our door, wanting to help us.
Again and again.



Every movement you make is music

A few days ago, while I was filling my car with gasoline, I was watching the screen that is next to the meter.
It showed the news, alternating with advertisements.
To my surprise a text appeared:
Every movement you make is music.
I am not sure whether this really happened, but my inner self received the message as romantic and true.
As a delightful encouragement to remain soft and fluid, instead of freezing inside.
Remembering these words makes me feel joyous.



Tending the earth


This painting is almost done, after 11 months of instruction by Shiloh.
The theme for this month was Messenger moon.
At the top appeared a bird, with a message.
The message has to do with seeing the beauty of nature, in order for the earth to restore.
Open your ears to hear and your eyes to see.
Beauty is all around us. 



The penny drops deeper

It gets ever clearer to me how our reality and the way we perceive reality is influenced by the way we think.
When we often are angry, or worried, our body becomes a receptor for those types of situations.
It is an art to be aware of this.
How often do I need to hear these words to realize at an ever deeper level that this is true?
I then clear my head, my thinking, in order to live in line with my soul.
My soul wants joy, peace, harmony, equanimity.



Guardians at the gate

When we begin to open ourselves towards higher frequencies, the challenges also increase.
Our bodies are not used to the new vibratory state and our blockades and terror are intensified.
The real art is to not be distracted by our fears and to hold on to our desire to live in joy, peace, freedom, trust and other essential treasures.
In the end we will be able to see that there is no door.




The last idea in my book “Wholeness” is:

I entrust myself to this moment.
I entrust myself to the Force that takes delight in me as part of Itself.
This relationship is eternal.

I now realize that our bodies are like radio receivers.
We can attune to different frequencies, for example the frequency of joy, trust, passion, or the highest good.
We choose the broadcasting station we want to listen to and then finetune to the chosen channel.
This makes it easier to let go of the noise in our heads and to resonate with the subtle energy we are.