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Joos's journal


Work in progress

Over the background of the grandmothers I painted a figure.
The spirals of the background were the inspiration for her form.
Th figure symbolizes how we are connected, both to the cosmos and to the earth.
The process is fascinating. This was the sixth moon of Shiloh's instruction.
Shiloh calls this phase the “Awakening moon”.
There will be seven more before the painting is finished.



Painting in Guatemala

I painted with the mothers of a new SOS Children's Village in Santa Cruz, Guatemala.
On the first day we were painting outside, on a school playground.
We had to find shelter because it started to rain, and had very little space to continue.
As you can see, they were imperturbable.

We were proud of the result.


The sacred feminine

I participated in a painting workshop that was given in Copenhagen by Shiloh McCloud and Jonathan Lewis.
The theme of the workshop was quantum physics and art.
We started with painting the geometric figure of the fibonacci spiral.
The fibonacci spiral is the foundation of all of life.
The name of the painting was initially "Speaker of truth".
Now that I want to show the image, I changed her name into "She will be heard".
I wonder who says that she will be heard, and come to the conclusion that it's about the sacred feminine in all of us.
She whispers gently in our ears and she rebels when we don’t treat her well.
We also see this in society. Old structures do not satisfy our needs any longer and a feminine primal power revolts against the established order.
We need trust in order to dare to follow this voice.
That is probably why she says She will be heard.


After we finish painting we usually sit down in front of her and listen to what she has to say.
This is what I heard:

Speak your truth, even when you find it difficult.
My love is with you at all times.
Follow your truth,
Be open to Her.
She is the greatest you can offer the world.
We are in this together for a greater cause.
Trust who you are at the deepest, at the highest.
Stand for who you are,
You are wisdom.
I arise from the sea, from the stars.
I am everywhere you look.
My name is :”Speaker of truth”.

I shall comply with this by continuing to write here.



This is the background for a new painting.
Once more it will take a year until it is finished.
13 moons.
The spirals represent the grandmothers.
The grandmothers and the lineage of great-grandmothers on my mother’s side and the ancestry on my father's side, till the very first beginning of human life.
Later I will paint an image over this layer.
The painting process is fascinating.




I thought there was a Force outside and above us that could bring us joy, but the Force lives inside us and lets us know what sparks joy and intimacy and contentment and what causes haste and unrest.
For the moment I am tidying closets according to the method from the book: “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying” by Marie Kondo.
My life, your life, our lives are important for the whole of life.
Apparently it is important for me to experience this at an ever deeper level.


The mother of the universe

Finally I finished painting the mother of the universe.
She helps us to align with who we are at the deepest and greatest level.
It was a great joy to work with her and to hear her messages once in a while by just sitting down and listening.
I could have gone on for days bringing in more detail.
We are co-creators.



I am

I wanted to paint many flowers around her, but to my surprise birds and fish appeared.


New Year's Eve

I deeply experience the symbolic meaning of the transition to the New Year.
It has to do with: Living in my reaction to the old, and therefore have my head spinning around in circles, or deeply realizing that I am co-creator of my future and open up to the energies that my inner self wants to live.
The new feelings bubble up from my heart, from a deeper place than my thinking.
We see it happen anywhere, a deep impulse that wants to create the change that is needed if we want to live in harmony with our own nature.
My wish for 2016 is for all of us to remain close to ourselves and to listen to the signals from our hearts.



Deep listening

Last week I stayed in a wonderful hotel in Amsterdam.
I had a room with large windows that provided a beautiful view of an Amsterdam Canal.
On a desk, next to the phone, was a notepad.
Since I like to write, I always take these as a gift.
This time it was a very nice one.
At the top of each page was the text: Things to do today.
Apparently this was intended for the tourist.
I immediately began to write.
My words had nothing to do with doing, they were about ways of being.
I planned to write a few words each day, and to listen to what my inner self wanted.
The ideas keep changing and come from an ever-deeper place.
It turns out that I want to write about the world, and what is going on in ourselves.
How we suppress and silence ourselves, through cultural patterns we have learned in childhood.
The backlash is also present, both in ourselves and in the world.
We feel this as a pain in our body, or as an emotional reaction, a depression, an inner conflict.
In the world we see it in the form of war, exploitation and hatred.
Apparently there is a process going on, a deep impulse, to liberate us from the patriarchal oppression.
It feels like there is a feminine power that sets all of us in motion.
A force that would like to transcend this crisis.
She wants to create peace, beauty, harmony and intimacy instead.
I will continue with my "things to do today" list, in order to make room for the "doing" that arises from my being.



Peace and balance

Old patterns are being activated.
It is important to keep our composure, with an open heart, and to return to the feeling of balance we have found earlier.
We do this by welcoming the old pattern and cherishing her.
By doing this we acknowledge the pattern as part of us, without giving it the chance to control us again.
My heart rejoices.