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Joos's journal



Once again I realize how important it is to be conscious of my goals in life.
When I forget what I want to focus on I may even feel sacrificed to the most pleasant of conditions, however bright my circumstances are.
After being immersed in a small dip I have figured out once more how I want to live.
I stand firm again, more than that: Peace has returned.



For a few days there has been a storm around our house.
The wind blows the tops of the waves and spreads them in a reverse direction in white wisps of foam .
The tempest makes the trees bend and whistles around the house.
Flowerpots turn over.
Then there is silence.
Until the next gust of wind arrives.


Planetary meditation (2)

Since a few days I am in my house in Spain. The house is round and all rooms flow into one another.
I always have the feeling that I have an energetic connection with this home. I look after it’s energetic state and the house takes care of me. This implies a lot.
This time I felt that something was lacking.
Then I received an email from Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion, in which they wrote that we can listen to the planetary meditation on their website:
I was drawn to this like a magnet.
Without being bothered about someone else being present in the room I was seated behind my computer for an hour and followed the meditation, at times apologizing towards my dear husband who said that all was well and that he liked the music.
In this way I participated in the planetary meditation, at a different hour, at a different place.
Now when we walk on the beach and look back towards the house we see that it is radiating more than it ever has.


The wonder of nature

It seems like the old is shifting and the new has not yet arrived in a tangible form.
I find my footing in this new territory by noticing the predictable in the cycles of nature: the beauty of the blooming shrubs, the sounds of the birds…
After this it will be summer, autumn, winter…
The cycles of personal life are harder to forecast.
It seems like I am traversing a kind of no man’s land, with ever changing forms and nothing to hold on to.
I feel that life continues and find comfort in sensing my body.
It functions, just like all of nature, in such an ingenious manner that I am in awe for the Creator of all of this.


Planetary meditation

Last Sunday, on Palm Sunday, Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion had organized a planetary meditation.
Beforehand, Tom had given us instructions about the way to prepare for this event.
He told us that the earth is surrounded by a sphere of light, at a distance of approximately 60 miles. That is the soul of the earth, the Christ consciousness.
We can help to balance the earth by imagining that we are connecting to the center of the earth, and simultaneously the sphere of light, and to Alcione, the center of the Pleiades.
I was not able to participate during the meditation, because I was driving the car at that hour. My spirit was present though. I could feel it in my seventh chakra.
A few days ago Tom Kenyon sent us and email to tell about his experience during the meditation. He saw an immense etheric light pouring into those who had joined the meditation. While they were connecting with the Celestial Soul of earth, a gigantic
luminous white serpentine energy, spiraled out of the galactic core of the Milky Way and entered into the center of the earth. It then began to emanate a very intense white light from the core outward. Tom interpreted this as both a blessing and as an evolutionary catalyst for humanity.
In my opinion, Tom is a down-to-earth person, reliable.
People can be a vital link between heaven and earth.
My heart rejoices.


Inspiration day

Yesterday I visited a conference about the Nameless.
It seemed like all speakers opened a window, and inspired the listeners through their own passion for the theme.
It’s not so clear yet what I have absorbed during that day.
Surely I feel a renewed interest in consciousness, in the mystery of creation, in life beyond death.
I always like to interpret these things to my own life. To my body, my heart, my center, to the energy creature I am.
Once more I realize how important it is to be open for what’s New, at any moment.
Small things become important: to see the bird that’s moving up and down on the tree trunk, to truly listen when my husband, or someone else, wants to tell me something, to find words for the truth in myself and to share those words here.
So, I want to be open for what’s inside me and outside.
What’s true for me now?
Let me try to answer.
As I am in the process of re-owning my inner strength I feel like a rough diamond that’s being polished. When a new part of me opens the content sometimes pushes it’s way out like a lava stream. After that I can handle the feelings in a more polished manner.
I realize I am a fiery being, even though at the same time I feel silence and peace.



I did not feel so well.
My creativity had withdrawn in a dark corner of my being.
I felt a bit sad.
This morning I asked for help.
This is similar to praying, because the Force that’s guiding me is invisible.
My question was: “What can I do?"
I received the answer through my intuition: “The life you are leading now is the best education."
“How can I teach this to other persons?"
After this I felt an urge to act. I felt that I could continue searching for intentions that go with the energy points in the body.
I could explore points 9 and 10.
How wonderful to, literally, receive a support in my back!
We can always ask for help, empty our minds and wait for the answer.
I shall write down the result of this on the “Point of light" of this website.



I do not know how other people experience this, for me solitude balances my soul.
My battery is recharged by returning to silence.
Where I am now, near the ocean, surrounded by the wilderness of nature, I feel more at ease than anywhere else.
Here I can feel that my essence is wild, untamed, and at the same time well ordered like nature itself. Just like the ocean, whose waves touch the land in an incessantly alive and orderly manner.
The smell, the sounds, the endless views, carry me past the horizon of society.
Here I can cast off the influences that make me adapt all the time.
Here I have the feeling that I do not need to look after others, even though the household chores are the same.
Why then do I write? Why do I want to let others know about this?
It has to do with a fascination for life. My life feels more meaningful when I share these things.
There is a voice inside me screaming: Look at this, be silent for just a moment!
Come closer and celebrate with me the sacredness of nature!
At this moment writing is the only way for me to tell this without disturbing that same silence at the same time. Because, when I stop listening, I do not see, feel, smell, know any more.
That’s why I like to write.
To give a voice to the savageness inside me without disturbing the silence.


I am here

During these dark days of December I feel a great tendency to direct my attention inwards. I have the feeling that the biggest treasure is to be found inside.
My body has a hard time. It feels like I am passing through a cleaning process.
By living quietly and turning inside there will be space for creativity to appear.
It is important for me to live from the inside out instead of living from my reaction to what occurs.
This is the feeling I want to share.
I am here.


The light of one candle

Last night the monsters of my mind were knocking at my door.
Mental fingers were grabbing me; they tore me away from peaceful sleep and blocked the entrance towards the temple of my soul where deeper levels of love are waiting to embrace all that I am.
Then I felt a little flame inside me. It reminded me of harmonic states I have known before.

May the flame of my heart unlearn to waver at the slightest turmoil.
May the flame of my heart thrive.
May the flame of our hearts lighten our lives.

In the dark we only need the light of one candle to brighten us.

Blessings for all,
