On the 28th of October, which is tomorrow, the Maya calendar comes to completion.
Since the date is so near it is easier for me to perceive what is going on.
All old patterns are breaking down; we see this happening around us.
People who want to live in freedom and self-responsibility are letting themselves be heard.
This same process is also taking place inside ourselves.
I notice that precisely the obstacles that have bothered me most have been and are my greatest teachers for beginning to live from the new consciousness.
What does this new consciousness consist of?
It means that, again and again, I choose for love instead of letting myself be troubled by fear for what might happen.
At the deepest we are love, so through this process I feel ever more connected to who I am and to what is happening Now.
When I am not preoccupied with my thoughts there usually is peace and silence in the Now.
Also am I aware that I am co-creator and that I create the future with my thoughts.
Not only for myself but also for those who live after me.
Likewise it is important not to be distracted by the burden others are carrying and also am I aware of the importance of feeling love for myself.
Because the shortcomings of others that unsettle me remind me of the parts of myself that I have not yet been able to accept. This means that other people are mirrors that show me where I have yet to learn to love myself.
In my heart I can sense which road to travel. I feel this guidance in a physical way.
These are important times. It seems like we are living in a period of transition.
I’ll end this note with a paradox:
Even though I am aware that we are co-creators, I feel at the same time that I cannot influence what life will offer me.
‘Thy will be done’ remains a major support.
Finally it dawns on me what will remain when I let go of everything.
That is my natural being, I take her everywhere.
By sensing my body I feel connected with life and with everything around me.
Even though I am fully related to my surroundings, none of us are identical and all of us walk a different trail.
So let us not forget our uniqueness.
No two roses are the same.