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Joos's journal


The sacred feminine

I participated in a painting workshop that was given in Copenhagen by Shiloh McCloud and Jonathan Lewis.
The theme of the workshop was quantum physics and art.
We started with painting the geometric figure of the fibonacci spiral.
The fibonacci spiral is the foundation of all of life.
The name of the painting was initially "Speaker of truth".
Now that I want to show the image, I changed her name into "She will be heard".
I wonder who says that she will be heard, and come to the conclusion that it's about the sacred feminine in all of us.
She whispers gently in our ears and she rebels when we don’t treat her well.
We also see this in society. Old structures do not satisfy our needs any longer and a feminine primal power revolts against the established order.
We need trust in order to dare to follow this voice.
That is probably why she says She will be heard.


After we finish painting we usually sit down in front of her and listen to what she has to say.
This is what I heard:

Speak your truth, even when you find it difficult.
My love is with you at all times.
Follow your truth,
Be open to Her.
She is the greatest you can offer the world.
We are in this together for a greater cause.
Trust who you are at the deepest, at the highest.
Stand for who you are,
You are wisdom.
I arise from the sea, from the stars.
I am everywhere you look.
My name is :”Speaker of truth”.

I shall comply with this by continuing to write here.